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Usability Assessment (Essay Sample)


It was an assignment on usability assessment for your personal vehicle.where Usability = effectiveness + efficiency + satisfaction The car needed the paper to be done about the ford fusion 2010.

Usability Assessment
(2010 Ford Fusion)
In this Usability assement,I will base it on three operations in relation to my 2010 Ford Fusion addressed in my Control Design Analysis. The three operations I’ll be choosing and describe how their operations and functions fit the user when performed. I will be assessing the Headlights, Driving Apparatus and Windshield Wipers. In the usability factors, I will be discussing its Efficiency, Effectiveness and finally its Satisfaction. The assumption that would be made is that all the operators have basic experience in driving a car to the bit of possessing their driving lincense.
Driving Apparatus:
Training Time: The time for training mostly depends on the level of experience of the driver but since the car posses what referred to as driver assistance and other technologies fitted in cameras, radar and sensors that allows the car to detect and respond. The presence of all these allows an experience driver to take much lesser time to attain proficiency and even a less experienced driver will not find it hard to drive the car. Other operations like brake pedals, the gas and even steering wheels will not take much time as what the driver would need is just to familiarize with the sensing and sensitivity of the following operations.Overally,the gear shift and clutch would take a bit of time training due to the sensitivity of the apparatus and operation as a whole but not exceeding a one and half week.
Number of Task Performed by the User: The required tasks performed by the user are not many due to the presence of driver assistance. Those performed by the driver includes operating the gas pedal, brake pedal ,accelerator and finally operating steering wheel.
Number of Time Help is needed: The help would mostly be needed during those one and half week where the major thing which would be learnt is just the transmission operation. This mostly occur in the form where someone would be monitoring and probably supervising he/she while operating the car. Since there are other things like rader and sensors, not mentioning driver assistance,the help can only be required again in maintainance of the driving apparatus.
Failure Rate:With this generation of car,failer rate is extremely low but can only occur during the one and half week of training.Its also noted that the rate would reduce progressively throughout the excersise.
Time to Complete Task: The time required to complete the task should be actually less than a fraction of seconds which mostly come in changing the speed while the car is in motion but mostly not required as the car is fully automatic and picks different gears by itself.
Error Rate: The chances of error rate are almost zero as all fuctions are operated properly but even if some parts are not fully operated, the driver assistance would alart the driver to correct it immediately.
Number of Tasks Completed: There are only 2 tasks being completed continuously while driving are applying the breaks, turning wheels and applying the fuel.
Decision Time:The reaction time by the operator should occur within a fraction of seconds but again even if the driver is not extremely alert at all the time ,the car is well fitted with sensors,radar which would aliRt the driver .He/she would subsequently apply breaks,turning wheels and stop stepping on the accelerator.
Error Recovery Time: This greatly depends on the time required by the qualified operator to fix and operate and also depends on the malfunction itself in the car.
Pros vs Cons:The are only two possible cons on this car which includes the human error in being a factor in the driving apparatus and also the time required to adequately master the driving apparatus.
Training Time: Here the time required is just 1-2 minutes because even if you do not know how to rotate the switch,the sensors would detect darckness and switch on.Also that one to two minutes you will learn how to operate the three settings of light.
Number of task performed by the User:If the sensors do not operate this,the user would only require to turn the headlight knob on the turnig signal lever and also the pulling and pushing of the lever to control the brightness and dimness of the headlight.
Number of help needed: There deffinatly no time required here to help since the car is automated and can perform such function if the operator can not of forgets.
Failure Rate:The failure rate here is zero due to the design of the car as it can...
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